Wednesday 25 January 2017

Travel Bucket list!

Hello people of the internet

If you read my last post then you will know on of my favourite things to do is to travel so I thought that in this post I would share with you the five top places to go on my travel bucket list.

1) New Zealand  

New Zealand is somewhere thats very special to me as some of my family lived over their a few years ago and not many people know this but me, my mum and dad were actually going to move over to New Zealand but my parents looked at what they could earn in the same jobs they already had and they would of earned less so the sensible decision was to stay in the UK, so that has made me even more determined to go there. New Zealand is such a beautiful country with some stunning views and because I love photography I would just be in my element taking photos. I especially want to go to hobbiton where they filmed the hobbit as I'm obsessed with all things to do with lord of the rings and the hobbit.

2) Disney (Orlando, Florida)

I have been to DisneyWorld before when I was 8 but it has always been a place that I would like to revisit, its just the most magical place I've been to and no matter how old you are your guaranteed to have the best time, I don't just want to go back to the magic kingdom park I want to revisit all the other parks like Epcot, the animal kingdom and hopefully go to universal for the first time.

3) South Africa 

South Africa has always been somewhere I have wanted to go I think it is such a beautiful place which has an amazing scenery. I specifically want to go on a safari, I absolutely love elephants so to see some in the wild would be a dream come true.

4) Italy 

I've always wanted to go to Italy, I just think its a beautiful place, especially go on a gondola its been on my bucket list for ages. I'm also a lover for itallian food it my favourite type of food I'm obsessed with pasta, so Id defiantly would want to try some authentic Italian food.

5) The Maldives

Ive seen so many photos and videos of The Maldives and it looks like the most idilic and relaxing place, Ive always wanted to go snorkelling and scuba diving and The Maldives looks the perfect place to do it. I especially want to stay in one of the little houses right by the ocean I think it would just be the most amazing experience waking up in the morning and being right by the ocean.

So they are the top 5 places on my travel bucket list that I would love to travel to. 
whats on your travel bucket list?
where about in the world would you love to travel to?
let me know in the commets I would love to know 

until next time 
Jess x

Friday 6 January 2017

Facts about Me!

Hey people of the internet

First off I hope you all had an amazing new year.

Seeing as my first post gave you no information about me I thought in this post I would tell you a bit about myself.

1) I love Harry Potter

Harry Potter is my all time favourite film series it was the first video that I ever brought and since then I have just been completely obsessed with the world that J.K. Rowling has created, I will be doing a blog post about my love for Harry Potter soon so be prepared for that.

2) I can't pronounce my R's

this may sound strange but I can pronouce my R's whenever I try to say a word beginning with and R it comes out as an W so Rain becomes Wain, it was something I used to be really conscious of but now I don't really care I find it quite amusing if I'm honest.

3) I love going to the theatre

one of my all time favourite things to do is to go to the theatre, ever since I was one year old my mum has taken me to the pantomime every year we go on the last date and sit one the front row, I'm now 19 years old and its still something I look forward to every year. I absolutely love west end shows I've been to see 3 shows which so far, The Lion king, Charlie and the Chocolate factory and Billy Elliot I hope to go see many more in the future. I was also incredibly lucky to go to New York for my 18th while I was there I got to go see the Broadway show was Matilda which was incredible, I'm dying to go back and see Jersey Boys I know you can see in London but I couldn't think of a better place to see Jersey Boys than in New York

4) Travelling

Im obsessed with the idea of traveiling I've been lucky enough to go to some amazing places but there are still so many places that I want to visit like Bali, Thailand, Australia, one of the main places I want to go is to Italy as Italian food is my favourite food and I would love to go there and try some authentic Italian food.

5) Music

Music is such a big part of my life I know it sounds cheesy but when I've had really low days I listen to music and my mood is instantly lifted. I'm a big boyband fan I always have been since I was little, some of my favourite bands are Take That and Busted but this year I also discovered a new boyband called U4iA who I discovered earlier on in the year when life was hard i instantly fell in love with them the only problem is they are based in LA which is pretty far away so I'm just thankful for things like twitter because even though they are thousands of miles away I can still talk to them.

so there you go there are 5 facts about me I hope this gives you an better understanding about me and the things I love.

Comment so facts about you down below I would love to know what you guys love.

see you soon

Jess x